Trademark Registration

Trademark Registration

In simplistic words, Trademarks are exceptional unique signs that are used to identify goods or services from a certain company. They can be designs, pictures, signs, or even expressions. It is significant because it differentiates your products from the competition. It is associated with your brand or product. Trademarks are classified as intellectual property and therefore Settle My Tax helps to keep them protected from infringement. Trademarks and their rights are protected by the Trademark Act, 1999.

To get the protection of trademark rights one has to register the Trademark. It is important to register your Trademark because it prevents others from copying your mark and misrepresenting other products with your mark. Trademarks help the customers to recognize the brand and the brand value in one look.

Trademark Registration expires after 10 years of its registration, but unlike patents, a Trademark can be renewed again for another 10 years. This process can be indefinitely done with Settle My Tax in just a few steps, meaning as long as you keep renewing the trademark it will not expire and will continue to be under the protection of the Act.

Trademark Application

Rs. 2500

per application

What are the advantages of obtaining Trademark Registration with Settle My Tax?

    • Prima-facie evidence of ownership of the Trademark.

    • An important asset for your business or company and contributes to the goodwill generated.

    • Gives you stronger enforceable rights to prevent others from using the Trademark in connection with the goods or services for which it is registered.

    • Trademarks can be sold, licensed, or assigned.

    • Registration usually covers the whole of India.

How to Register a Trademark

Registration of a Trademark is done by the registry of the Trademarks. When you plan on registering a Trademark there are a few steps involved.

Choosing a Trademark:

  • Remember to choose a unique and distinctive mark it will represent your company. The other important point is identifying which class you belong to. Currently, there are 45 classes of goods and services under which the Trademark can be registered. Classes 1-34 are for goods and classes 35-45 are for service.

Mark Search:

  • Once you have chosen your mark it is advisable to search to check whether your chosen mark is similar to an already registered mark. Once click on this option you need to choose your class and search the online database.
  • The other option is to get legal services, although you will have to pay for it is the safer option.
  • Overall legal services will cost lesser with Settle My Tax and we also help you with the whole process.

Filing Application:

  • There are two options you can take while filing for a Trademark.
  • File for a Trademark under “one” class. Meaning the Trademark will be registered only for the specific class that you have chosen. In this case, you have to fill in form TM-1.
  • The other option is to file for multiple classes or series Trademark, or collective Trademark. For this, you have to fill in form TM-A. This form allows you to register the Trademark beyond one class.

The types of Trademarks you can get registered are quite varied. Here are a few types:-

  • Word Marks
  • Service Marks
  • Logos and Symbols
  • Shape of Goods
  • Series Marks
  • Collective Trademarks
  • Certification Mark
  • Geographical Indicators
  • Pattern Marks
  • Sound Marks
  • Colour Marks
  • Three Dimensional Marks